Saturday, June 04, 2011

Q: I wanna be a ________ when I grow up. A: College graduate.

I've been lying a lot. The general population's favorite question to ask me (besides "how are you?") is what I'm thinking of studying in college. Typically I joke that I have a list of 15 majors that I'm trying to narrow down and that they'll be the first to know when I declare my decision.


I counted up my list of majors and it's closer to 30 than it is to 15. See here:

Actuarial science
Communications- public relations or advertising
Computer science
Facility and property management
Family and consumer sciences education
Food science
Landscape management
Media arts studies
Music education
Nutritional science
Political science
Public health
Recreation management and youth leadership
School health education
Social science teaching
Sound recording technology
Visual arts
Wildlife and wild lands conservation

If I knock off one per week this summer, I'll only have to decide between 14 polar opposite fields. I think that should keep my free hours during the vacation months filled.